Accrescent Institute is pleased to announce that Thomas C. Rector will be presenting at the 2024 Oregon Parenting Educators Conference.
The goal for this conference is to bring together professionals who work with families for educational and networking opportunities. Information and current research will be shared, along with practical application strategies that can be used to improve services to families. This year’s conference, STRETCH & STRENGTHEN: Reaching New Heights for Children, Parents, Families & Communities through Parenting Education, will inspire participants to grow their own professional practices through a variety of keynote and workshop presentations.
April 29-30, 2024
Corvallis, OR
Tom will be presenting two different sessions:
Foster Parenting:
Same and Different
What’s different about parenting a foster child? In this interactive session, we'll delve into what factors uniquely impact foster parenting, how past memories and environments impact a child’s development, behavior, and responses, and how the foster care system adds more dimension and variables to the parenting equation. We’ll talk about what to listen for, what to look for, what information to gather, and who to gather it from. Through real world examples, you’ll gain additional perspective and insights to help you further equip foster parents in their parenting roles.
Apply Brain Science to Parenting:
Memories Matter
This workshop will introduce an understanding and methodology for determining where behavioral actions come from and how to create an environment that supports positive and productive parenting. Using visuals, animations, real-world examples, and audience participation, this interactive session focuses on how to equip and empower parents to handle the situations they must resolve in their day-to-day lives. Participants will learn how our five senses influence the brain’s choice of memories to be used in determining the youth’s reaction to their environment. The second half of the session will be spent in a hands-on, interactive, role-playing activity that gets participants up and out of their seats and working together to implement the methodology. Session participants will walk away with an understanding and a process that can be shared with parents for use in their day-to-day lives.
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