Accrescent Institute is pleased to announce that Thomas C. Rector will be returning to the Oregon Parenting Educators Conference in 2025. The title and theme for this year’s conference is: From Passion to Purpose: Uplifting the Art of Parenting Education & Family Support.
Join other parenting educators and family support professionals for professional development, networking, and restoration. Our annual conference hosts practical and inspirational sessions that will enhance your work with parents and families. Learn from national speakers and authors, local colleagues, and researchers.
OPEC aims to create a space that is welcoming and inclusive, where all people are valued for their identities, including for their gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, abilities, and lived experiences.
April 28th-29th, 2025
CH2M HILL Alumni Center
Corvallis, OR
About the Oregon Parenting Educators Conference
This conference is part of Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative, a program of the Hallie E. Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families at the University of Oregon College of Health. OPEC’s mission is to connect families through parenting education. The conference offers an invaluable opportunity for parenting educators to enhance their skills and connect with peers.
Recognizing the importance of ongoing staff development, this conference provides comprehensive professional development for educators focused on the latest research and practical strategies in family support.
The Oregon Parenting Educators Conference offers a diverse range of sessions serving as a crucial resource for education and professional development, empowering participants to better serve families within their communities.
Attendees can expect to engage in dynamic workshops and presentations designed to foster growth and knowledge. This dedication to professional development for educators ensures that participants leave with actionable tools and insights, ready to implement in their work.
OPEC's commitment to providing high-quality education and professional development makes it a must-attend event for anyone dedicated to the field of parenting education.
Accrescent Institute Sessions for Parenting Educators

Building Positive Relationships with Teens
Monday, April 28th
1:15pm - 2:30pm
Why do teens make the choices they do? What could they possibly be thinking? How can we guide them into adulthood with the tools they need to lead healthy, productive lives?
In this interactive session, we’ll explore the development, neuroscience, and internal and external factors that impact teen choices and behavior... So that you and the parents and caregivers you support can better understand where teens are coming from, why they are making the choices they are making!
Participants will gain a methodology for cultivating positive, productive communication and relationship with teens and tools to teach parents that encourage communicating and reaching agreements during the teen years and beyond.

Apply Brain Science to Parenting: Memories Matter
Monday, April 28th
4:15pm - 5:30pm
This workshop will introduce an understanding and methodology for determining where behavioral actions come from and how to create an environment that supports positive and productive parenting.
Using visuals, animations, real-world examples, and audience participation, this interactive session focuses on how to equip and empower parents to handle the situations they must resolve in their day-to-day lives.
Participants will learn how our five senses influence the brain’s choice of memories to be used in determining the youth’s reaction to their environment.
Session participants will walk away with an understanding and a process that can be shared with parents for use in their day-to-day lives.
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